Idle Iktah Wiki
Idle Iktah Wiki

You can trade with fix list of traders used Rare Shells, except for the Shadow Broker, who uses Ancient Coins.

Prices by goods can be reduced up to 30% by Teaching Friendly face.

Trader change every 8 hours. This time can be reduce by upgrading Inn building in Community (7 hours at 1 star, 6 hours at 2 star).

Also you can change trading partner by using Dugout:

  • Red Fir Dugout: choose a new trading partner from 3 options every 6 hours
  • Cedar Dugout: choose a new trading partner from 6 options every 4 hours

Every trader have valuable goods which appear very rarely, the chance of their appearance can also be increased by a Dugout. Trader have 3 slots for dugout. Dugout in 1st slot increases the chance of trader appearance, 2nd and 3rd slots increases chance for more goods an chance of appearance a rare goods.


Name Goods for Sale Rare Item(s)
Waroon (pink outine, winter coat girl) Armor Deucalion's Helm
Braiq Crax (Red outline box) Weapons Beast Saber, War Feather Painting
Bothad (blacksmith guy, orange beard, orange outline) Tools Sturdy Hand Saw, Jeweled Pickaxe
Inrigas (yellow outline) Potions Alchemist's Kris
Mapu Kitan (Dark green outline) Spices Ring of Gathering, Tidekeeper
Qwintif (cyan outline) Cooked Fish, Gear Haste Tea
Lerico (Gandalf wannabe) Fish Fishing Boots
Deviaran (purple outline) Gems, Rings Ring of Riches
Shadow Broker (Shady guy in maroon outline) Royal Items, Tomes Tome of Darkness, Nana Pine's Fine Dines